Monday, May 9, 2016

The Goblings

A Gobling is a wicked thing.
Their creeping, leaping, spidering,
scratching scrawl behind the wall,
is heard at night, just down the hall.

They spoil the milk.
They steal the sock.
They spook the cat.
They stop the clock.

Hex a vex upon their name, 
they'll never care,
they'll take the blame.

Yet when you're sad and all is gray,
these irks
a smirk 
will bring your way.

The milk, the sock, the cat, the clock, 
will bring a giggle, a hoot, a squawk

So never stress their little mess.
Be glad one lives at your address.
In wondrous ways you'll never guess,
A Gobling, your life they'll bless.